The Revolutionary War
The Battles of the War


The Events Leading up to the Revolutionary War
The Battles of the War
The French in the War
Women, Native Americans, and African Americans in the War
Famous People of Revolutionary War
Strengths and Weaknesses
End of the War

This web page tells information of the battles of the Revoltionary War.

Click on each battle to read about it. These are only some of the more important and larger battles of the Revolutionary War.

Smaller Battles
Vincennes-George Rogers Clark was the Americans leader who fought the British in the Ohio River Valley. The Miami Indians helped him. He only led a small band. He took Fort Vincennes. He had his men spread apart making his numbers seen larger.
Bonhomme Richard vs. Serapis-The American captain John Paul Jones led the Bonhomme Richard against the British warship Serapis. The Serapis was guarding 39 enemy merchant ships. The Bonhomme Richard was out guned but won.
Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge-When the Americans beat the Loyalist army at Moore's Creek Bridge. The Loyalists were people still loyal to Britian who lived in America. Called the Lexington and Concord of the South.